On the hottest day of the year so far I ventured to the Southbank ... to go and wander around INDOORS at the Hayward Gallery and see the David Shrigley exhibition. Even though it was inside, I thoroughly enjoyed it and even tret myself to a 99er! (Though it set me back a whopping £3!! I can hear myself coming out with, "In my day...").
Shrigley takes a sideways look on life with an incredibly irreverent sense of humour that comes out in his loose and crudely drawn illustrations – they are all the more charming because of this scribbled look and feel. I read recently that he does at least 30 sketches a day, which perhaps explains the vast number of sketches. His animations were great too, and his sculptures, very interesting.
Here are some photos from my trusty iPhone, with a few 'borrowed' from this blog: http://lovingmyjetlag.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/recommendation-of-week-david-shrigley.html
ps: The insecty sculptures remind of a couple of scenes in Beetlejuic :)

I also wandered into Jeremy Deller's exhibition and went back in time to the 90s. Despite going to see Shriggers, the only souvenirs me and the fella picked up were from Jeremy's exhibition. He tret himself to a tshirt, and I splashed out on a postcard.

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