Inspiration and musings of a creative, designer and illustrator living and working in London (where the Queen lives).
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Love these Penguin Book Covers for the James Bond series. Lovely concept of the Bond girls as the base for the great type and imagery combination, and lovely overall style harkin' back to the 60s/70s style.
This guy's got a stylistic similarity to Saul Bass, particularly when it comes to the simple and perfectly executed film posters. He also reminds me of Bob Gill, in his understanding of the visual language and an ingenuity, that makes you go, "why didn't I think of that?!"
Here's some from his website that I ruh-huh-heally love.
A friend showed me this, love love love it! And wise words man. Very interesting indeed. Reminds me of 'I Met The Walrus', the same lateral thinking...
Loved a bit of Jason And The Argnauts after Playdays and Sesame Street. I went mad for Wallace and Gromit in Nick Park's 'A Grand Day Out' and watched Tim Burton's 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' 'til the VHS almost wore out. And my heart actually explodes at the ingenuity of Peter Gabriel's 'Sledgehammer' video. Recently I watched One Million Years B.C. and fucking loved how crude it looked.
There's just something something about how higgeldy-piggeldy they are, and that seemingly rudimentary way they play out that makes me grin right from one ear to t'other. I just have so much admiration for them, and they really inspire me.
I had a go at an stop frame animation in 2nd year of uni, where I realised just how bloody time consuming and quite boring they can be to shoot. Mind you, I was both hand painting one of my friend's entire body and pressing 'shoot' all on my own. Just 50 seconds of playing time, meant a whole day painting from the morning right through to the dark hours of the evening; not to mention time spend editing.
Anyway, I fucking love this shit. And her are some of the ones that I found whilst whiling away the wee hours of the morning.