Parr's subjects were the people and their "seaside town" of New Brighton, on the Wirral, which he later compiled in a book entitled, "Last Resort" (speaking critically of the people and the resort). Liverpool and its surrounding area had a tough time of it in the 80s and while there was this hugely deprived local society, New Brighton was somewhere close and cheap for a "fun family day out".
I personally know that many of my childhood wet weekends were spent at this local seaside town, wrapped up in a miniature shell suit, screaming on the waltzers, crabbing in the cold, buying fake "fags" and poos from the joke shop, and eating chips literally swimming in vinegar. And whilst they are some of my fondest memories, I can see how those happy days could be subject to ridicule. And it was even worse in the 80s. I don't reject Martin Parr's depiction of the town, but welcome it with warm arms, as I think New Brighton's personality is beautifully portrayed in his series: Sure! it's cheap, tacky and brash - but it is all part of its charm. I'm proud of those days, and though Parr may be critisising my mini Blackpool (as if that isn't bad enough!), I think he documents it in a way where I can look back with sincere affection.
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