Thursday, 28 August 2008


For a cretin like me, who has not yet (and probably never will) master the science of photography, it's all about pot luck. I understand about compositional issues etc etc, but to be honest, I just can't take a good fucking photograph. So, after copying a few of my mates (hi Gus & Loui), I decided to buy a Fisheye and a Diana+. They may both look and feel like toy cameras (lighter than even a disposable and rattling on occasions), but the outcome of their photos can be really, really amazing. After having flicked through the accompanying book, I fell in love with "Lady Di" as I now call her. However, having fucked up several films by being devastatingly stupid, I am still awaiting my first film's development! So for now, here are some other people's accidental artworks to drool over.

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