I went to Italy, and of course did all the usual - the Pantheon, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican, the Spanish Steps, and after a few days, walking without the aid of pain killers was merely impossible (wine was sufficient). And although it was initially awe-inspiring and jaw-droppingly spectacular, I regret to say it began becoming slightly..
. "samey"? 
We went to the Modern Art Gallery in Rome, and it was a true breath of fresh air. Mario Shifano's, graphic and simple (yet considered) work filled the entire gallery, and it was just what I needed after meticulous oil paintings and perfect, serene marble sculptures. A lot of them involved text, and had I been able to continue photographing his work James Bond style (obviously I got caught), I would have put up some of my favourites of his humorous musings within his art. His choice of language and content remind me very much of the whimsical, and somewhat silly, daydreaming copy that is used so frequently at the moment; and of course, Schifano was turning it out decades before now.
So here are some of the pieces I could photograp
h in secret, before having to put my spy camera away (please excuse the
poor photography, I was undercover).